Hypnosis for PTSD/Trauma
Traumatic events can be very difficult to come to terms with, but confronting your feelings and seeking professional help is often the only way of effectively treating PTSD. It is possible for PTSD to be successfully treated many years after the traumatic event occurred, which means it is never too late to seek help.
The aim of hypnotherapy is to unlock stored emotion using the trance state so that the trauma can be revisited and processed while exploring it from a different perspective.
EMDR for PTSD/Trauma
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a relatively new treatment that has been found to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of PTSD. EMDR involves making side-to-side eye movements, usually by following the movement of my finger, while recalling the traumatic incident.
It is not clear exactly how EMDR works, but it may help the malfunctioning part of the brain (the hippocampus) to process distressing memories and flashbacks so that their influence over your mind is reduced. I have found it to be very successful in treating clients who have experienced serious assaults, traumatic births, car accidents and even earthquakes:
“Since our last session and the unbelievable thing you did with the EMDR I cannot believe how different I feel, it's truly amazing, for a few days after I questioned HOW it can work, in terms of the power of the mind etc, but then just started to relax about it and see I had achieved what I wanted to achieve which was to feel like ME again, relaxed, peaceful, happy yet strong enough to deal with life and its tests!!
I feel like me again…THANK YOU. You are clearly gifted to be a therapist in this field and I have done nothing but talk about how AMAZING you were/are your calm and kindness radiates from you and made me feel instantly comfortable in your company, considering my then condition and being complete strangers about an unknown science I think that’s pretty amazing. ” Rachael Beeton, victim of New Zealand earthquake." (2 sessions)